He was born on 6th November 1880 in Yamaguchi, Japan, was an entrepreneur. He got his education from his native city and after that; Yoshisuke Aikawa moved to the Machinery Section of the engineering department at Tokyo Imperial University (currently in Tokyo). He found the company in the year of 1928 and became the President. The chairperson of the Nihon Sangyo from which the Name “Nissan” originated. The former corporate name of Nissan Motor on 26th December 1933. He became the chairperson in the year of 1939, and he entered politics. He became a member of the Japanese House of Peers which is currently been the House of Councilors in the year 1943. [1] Here, we discuss How Nissan Started With Attitude by Yoshisuke Aikawa.
Basic Information | Yoshisuke Aikawa |
Nationality | Japanese |
Date of Birth | 6th November 1880 |
Place of Birth | Yamaguchi, Japan |
Date of Death | 13th February 1976. |
Place of Death | Tokyo, Japan |
Age | 86 years old |
Founder / Owner | Nissan Group |
Business | Entrepreneur, Industrialist |
School | Yamaguchi High School |
Graduation | Department of Mechanics at the University of Tokyo in 1903 |
Company founded | Founded in 1928. |
Post | President & chairperson of Nihon Sangyo from which the name “Nissan” was resulting |
Investment | Investment in making the company in Tokyo’s Ginza district which after moving to Yokohama’s Minato-Mirai (MM21) |
Famous | Founder of Nissan conglomerate |
Other Activities | Toshiba Company |
The Start of Nissan’s 80-year history:
You could locate some cleared streets in the Japanese urban communities of the 1930s. However, most streets and roads in those days stayed secured with sand and stones. Similarly, as they had been during the Edo Period (1603-1868). Then again, railroads had become the most loved method for significant distance transportation among the Japanese public. It was under these conditions that a vehicle was driven from Osaka to Tokyo almost 500 km experiencing no issues.
Driving such a significant distance was a novel idea. However, how the vehicle being referred to was not a General Motors or Ford item. But a certifiably made-in-Japan vehicle implied that this was without a doubt a remarkable achievement. I knew the vehicle as to the Datson, the precursor of Datsun. The one who sustained and built up the vehicle and set up Nissan Motor and made it into one of the world’s most noteworthy. The carmakers were in all honesty Yoshisuke Aikawa himself [1].

Tribute To Nissan Since 1933:
Nissan Motor praises its 80th tribute this year, checking from 1933 when Jidosha Seizou (Automobile Manufacturing) KK was established on the 26th of December of that year. By the by, we can follow its set of experiences right back to 1914 on the off chance that we search for the primary fledglings of the Nissan vehicles that we see today [1].
In March 1914, Kwaishinsha Jidosha Kojo (Kwaishinsha Motor Car Works, Co.) in Azabu Hiroo in Tokyo. He worked by one Masujiro Hashimoto, made an open-top four-wheel traveler vehicle. They named the vehicle the DAT, framed from the initials of three financial specialists in the organization, Kenjiro Den, Rokuro Aoyama, and Meitaro Takeuchi. In Japanese, the sound was like “quick,” as on account of an escaping hare [1].
Production of Jitsuyo Jidosha Seizo and Organization of Datsun Company:
In Osaka, Jitsuyo Jidosha Seizo was established in 1919. It produced a Gorham-style three-wheel engine vehicle planned by William R. Gorham, who later turned into an overseeing chief and the head architect of Nissan Motor. Jitsuyo Jidosha Seizou and Dat Jidosha Shokai (Kaishinsha Jidosha Kojo changed the name) joined in 1926. To bring forth Dat Jidosha Seizou KK in Osaka. In 1930, the new organization built up its first little vehicle, which was named the Datson, signifying “child of DAT,”. Because the vehicle imparted a few sections and parts to the DAT. It was a Datson that effectively persevered through the brutal conditions and finished. The trial between Osaka and Tokyo in 1930. Dat Jidosha Seizou KK was hence bought by Tobata Imono, which going by Yoshisuke Aikawa (1880-1967) [1].
Learning in America About the Production of Cars:
Yoshisuke Aikawa (1880- 1967) was one of the famous investors of Showtimes. He remained in from 1926 to 1989 Japan. A politician and the founder of Nissan Motor. He was honest to goodness blood. His dad was the tenth top of the Aikawa Family. A nearby ruler serving the Choshu faction, and his mom was a niece of Kaoru Inoue. A focal figure in the ground-breaking Choshu tribe that helped oust the Edo Shogunate and later the holder of key budgetary and discretionary posts in the Meiji Government.
Aikawa never tried to follow the way of turning into a legislator or a financial specialist. Kaoru Inoue, who had caught wind of Aikawa from his senior sister, Aikawa’s grandma, called Aikawa and advised him to “be an architect”. Aikawa acknowledged that counsel decisively or conditions and, in the wake of moving on from Yamaguchi High School under the old framework, he moved on from the Machinery Section of the Engineering Department of Tokyo Imperial University (presently Tokyo University) in 1903 [1]

The Fate from Lower-class Family to the World’s Famous Business person:
An individual from a ground-breaking family with unmatched impact in the business world. Aikawa might have picked anything he liked for his calling, yet while going to an alumni course. He functioned as a specialist, accepting a simple 45 pennies every day at Shibaura Seisakusho (presently Toshiba). He worked without uncovering his actual character and his scholastic foundation. A few episodes formed his assurance to go into assembling:
When he approached Kaoru Inoue, he repelled by seeing financial specialists rushing around. The lawmaker attempting to satisfy him to remove favors. Caused him to swear never to work in the business world. He turned out to be lethally sick while at college. He shaped his craving to take part in work that gave him a feeling of being alive and inevitably drove him to work in assembling. No uncertainty realizing the assembling site back to front was a contributing component to the later accomplishment of his creative activities. This was a harbinger of the now notable “Site First” idea. He likewise carried on with a Spartan life, which we can see from his photos. With the trimmed hair that he wore for his entire life, much like a samurai [1].
Production From Japanese Metals:
Later Aikawa went to the U.S. where he made sure about an occupation as a specialist at a flexible cast iron industrial facility having a place with the Gould Coupler Co. Working for longer than a year to learn advancements and strategies. Japanese cast metal had its foundations in the Great Buddha sculpture of Nara. He had not changed from that point forward and the cast metal of those days was hard, broke with no problem. Aikawa crossed the Pacific since he understood that having the option to make flexible cast iron that was modest. They could mold it into complex structures and was difficult to break was a fundamental innovation that the Japanese industry required. He got back to Japan in 1906, however, then returned to the U.S. again following two years [1].
The Foundation of the General Motors:
Unfortunately, General Motors founded. General Motors was the company that was leading in the industry. The company was on illegal land. He decided to re-visitation of Japan to make pliable joints using the innovation that he had mastered in the U.S. Yoshisuke Aikawa established Tobata Imono (Foundry) KK in 1910 in Tobata-Cho in Fukuoka Prefecture (presently Tobata Ward, Kitakyushu City), with the help of Kaoru Inoue. Yoshisuke Aikawa named the brand Hyotan, or gourd, with the point of making joint surfaces. As level as those of a gourd, and the item ends up being an extraordinary achievement [1].
Tobata Imono, the herald of the present Hitachi Metals. Fabricated pliable iron castings using an electric heater, the first in the business. As he established a few organizations and bought others. The business and society perceived Aikawa for his capacity as a powerful youthful finance manager [1].
Yokohama, The Home of the Nissan Company:

Yoshisuke Aikawa was given a challenging task he didn’t need in 1928. When he was promoted to head up the rebuilding from Kuhara Kogyo, which was driven by his brother by marriage, Fusanosuke Kuhara. Aikawa declined the solicitation immovably from the start, yet inevitably he acknowledged it. Afterward handled the employment with all that he had. He turned into the leader of the sickly organization and renamed it Nihon Sangyo. (Note: Nihon=Japan, Sangyo=Industry.) The overall practice at the time was to give an organization the name of the family that possessed. Yet Aikawa purposely abstained from delegating the organization with his name. This method depended on his conviction that an organization had a place with its investors. The whole way across Japan and ought to add to the prosperity of Japanese society and the public premium [1].
The Name of the Company Derives:
This was the second when Nissan, gotten from “Ni” hon + “San”gyo, born. Aikawa went farther than that. He rebuilt Nihon Sangyo to make it a public organization. He built up the Nissan Konzern aggregate, bringing Nihon Kogyo, Hitachi, Nissan Chemicals, and Nihon Life Insurance under the Nissan umbrella [1].

Nihon Sangyo developed to be a tremendous gathering tantamount and status to the Mitsui, Mitsubishi, and Sumitomo zaibatsu. Yet it was essentially unique to those other corporate gatherings in its fundamental qualities. The other zaibatsu were of a medieval and traditionalist nature, claimed and constrained by families, yet Nihon Sangyo had current qualities. Its organizations were public, with their capital paid in by mysterious investors and the benefits get back to them. This was the genuine worth that Aikawa injected into his corporate gathering. His initiative achieved progressive changes in a Japanese organization on the board in later years. Aikawa was additionally on the ball in putting individuals with designing foundations in top situations at his organizations [1].
First Nissan Motors Centre in Tokyo, Japan:
Nissan Motor moved its central command from Tokyo’s Ginza region to Yokohama’s Minato-Mirai (MM21) zone in August 2009. The organization had its purpose behind picking Yokohama although most significant Japanese organizations have their central command in Tokyo. The Yokohama Plant Guest Hall in Takara-Cho in Yokohama’s Kanagawa Ward, in Kanagawa Prefecture, where the Nissan Engine Museum found. He set it up in 1934 as the primary Nissan base camp structure and it remained the organization’s HQ until 1968. Indeed, even now this is the location of Nissan Motor’s administrative center in its lawful vault [1].
Nissan Foundations:
Yokohama is where Nissan has its foundations, and the move in 2009 was it could say it an arrival. The Yokohama Plant, a significant Nissan motor assembling plant. He found it close by and began creating the VR38 unit for the Nissan GT-R in 2007. It was Yoshisuke Aikawa who picked this area [1].
Aikawa rushed to get persuaded of things to come prospects of vehicles and the car business. While he demanded that Japan expected to create unrivaled vehicles since he had worried that imported vehicles from Western nations constrained the car market in Japan [1].

Development of the Datsun Company:
Dat Jidosha Seizou effectively built up the Datson, however, the parent organization sold Dat Jidosha Seizou. On account of the gigantic measure of cash expected to deliver and sell Datson vehicles. In August 1931, Tobata Imono drove by Aikawa, bought Dat Jidosha Seizou, which became Tobata Imono’s Jidosha Section. Tobata Imono opened a Dat Jidosha Shokai office in Ginza as its business traction in Tokyo, in April 1932. In March, one month before the opening, a flood assaulted Dat Jidosha Shokai suddenly as it was planning for the opening. It had then whispered that the “child” in Datson phonologically sounded like a child, which signified “misfortune” in Japanese. So, he changed the brand name to make it Datsun, which phonologically was related to “the rising sun.” And so he made the Datsun name [1].
Not only the Founder of the Nissan Company:
In the mid-1930s, the Ministry of Commerce and Industry (presently the Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry) was advancing the creation of Japanese vehicles with expanding force. Aikawa decided everything looked good and composed the foundation of Jidosha Seizou KK in Yokohama on December 26, 1933, established together by Nihon Sangyo (contributing 6,000,000 yen) and Tobata Imono (4,000,000 yen) with an underlying capital of 10 million yen.
Aikawa was the leader of both establishing organizations, and as normally done, he was named the leader of the new organization. At the principal investors’ gathering, hung on May 30, 1934, Jidosha Seizou KK was renamed the Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. as it turned into an entirely claimed auxiliary of Nihon Sangyo. This was the introduction of Nissan Motor in both name and reality. As expressed over, he got the name Nissan from the name of the parent organization, Nihon Sangyo [1].

Land in the Kanagawa Ward in Yokohama:
Simultaneously, Nissan gained a colossal filled ground of 661,200 square meters (163.4 sections of land) in Kanagawa Ward in Yokohama to fabricate a Headquarters office, into which Tobata Imono’s Jidosha Section in Osaka was moved. Last, in April 1934, the primary Datsun cantina made in Yokohama moved off the line. Yearly creation volume was just 202 units in 1933 when the creation office was in Osaka, however, it hopped to 940 units in 1934 when it moved to Yokohama. In 1935, when a 70-meter transport line was finished, incorporated assembling of the skeleton and body began, on account of which yearly creation arrived at 3,800 units. Yield expanded to 6,163 units in 1936 and 10,227 units in 1937, making Nissan the biggest vehicle maker in Asian nations among organizations financed with Japanese capital. Nissan additionally began trading vehicles, although the volume was still little [1].
Along these lines, Aikawa’s driven dream worked out, and the foundation laid for Nissan to take a jump onto the world stage. In May 1939, Aikawa turned into the executive of the organization since he imagined he had accomplished his central goal [1].
House of the Councilors:
In 1943, Aikawa was chosen to be an individual from the Japanese House of Peers (presently the House of Councilors) thus he went into governmental issues. The House of Peers was the archetype of the House of Councilors, and the ruler chose individuals rather than by broad political race. In 1943, Aikawa set up an establishment for little and medium-sized organizations (SMBs), financed by Nissan Group, part organizations, and turned into the director. Starting there on, he completely dedicated himself to advancing the business exercises of SMBs.
After the war, enormous endeavors and ranchers profited by government arrangements in different manners, yet SMBs had no genuine option except to work in antiquated business conditions that abused them. Aikawa accepted it was SMBs that supported the mechanical establishments of Japan. In 1953, chosen to the House of Councilors, he shaped the Road Planning Research Committee and turned into its administrator, an improvement that mirrored his experience in the vehicle business [1].
Other Posts in Companies:
From that point forward, he served in many significant jobs and positions, including as executive of the National SMB Association, a top guide on the economy to the Kishi Cabinet, an individual from the Industrial Planning Council, and privileged leader of Toyo University. He was respected with a Grand Cordon of the Order of the Sacred Treasure. He passed on in 1967 at 86 years old after a disease, having carried on with a prominent existence of administration and accomplishment during regularly blustery occasions [1].
Not content with being naturally introduced to a recognized family and the places that his experience opened up to him, Yoshisuke Aikawa toiled on the cutting edges of a creation site as a simple production line technician and endeavored to get specialized aptitudes. He likewise committed himself to the eventual fate of the Japanese vehicle industry. As the originator of Nissan Motor and an extraordinary figure who composed a significant page throughout the entire existence of the Japanese vehicle industry, Yoshisuke Aikawa stands apart as probably the best man, whose accounts ought to be passed on from age to age [1].

- usa.nissannews. 21st October 2020; Available from:
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